Therapeutic Treatment Options

  • Functional Nutrition

    A multifaceted approach that emphasizes the power of food in preventing and treating diseases by considering the unique needs of each individual.

  • Nutritional Supplements

    Designed to provide additional vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds to improve overall health and address specific deficiencies or health conditions.

  • Specialty Lab Testing

    We use various in-depth labs to look at cellular health, gut health, hormones, genetics, neurotransmitters and more.

  • Herbal Medicine

    Harnesses the therapeutic properties of plants to support and enhance the body's innate healing processes.

  • IV Therapy

    Provides a direct and efficient way to replenish the body's nutritional needs.

  • Movement

    Essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind, improving physical fitness, and preventing various diseases.

  • Homeopathy

    A holistic medical philosophy that embraces the "like cures like" principle, relying on highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.

  • Mind-Body Connection

    Exemplifies the profound influence our thoughts and emotions have on our physical well-being.

  • Prevention

    Crucial for longevity. Many health conditions can be prevented with early detection of body-wide imbalances and nutritional deficiencies.

My Approach 
Individualized ~ Comprehensive ~ Holistic 

I take a functional, holistic approach to patient care. Every treatment plan is individualized and I take time to truly understand every aspect of your health journey. Instead of merely focusing on symptoms, naturopathic medicine practitioners dive deep into a patient's medical history, lifestyle, and genetic makeup to identify the root causes of their health issues. By considering the interconnections between various systems in the body, such as the digestive, hormonal, and immune systems, functional medicine practitioners aim to restore balance and promote overall well-being. I use both basic and specialty lab testing to identify any underlying imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms. Treatment plans may incorporate a comprehensive range of interventions, including personalized nutrition, stress reduction techniques, targeted supplementation, and mind-body therapies. Through this integrative approach, functional medicine aims to empower patients to take an active role in their own health journey, leading to long-lasting healing and improved quality of life.