Maybe you're here to explore a new approach to your health journey. Perhaps you've tried conventional medical treatments, but you know deep down that there must be other answers. Or maybe you're simply eager to discover ways to increase your longevity and live your best life. Whatever the reason, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. I understand that embarking on this journey can be overwhelming and intimidating. You may find yourself wondering where to start, what tests to run, or what supplements to take. The first step is getting here, and from that point forward, I will help you navigate the complexities of your health journey. Having a trusted practitioner to partner with is invaluable. You deserve to feel your absolute best, and I am committed to supporting you in achieving your health goals.

Welcome! Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. 
My Story

Growing up in the Texas Hill Country, I cultivated a deep appreciation for nature's healing power. I pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M University, graduating with honors. Science fascinated me, and I initially set my sights on traditional medical school. However, a pivotal personal experience at the age of 20 redirected the compass of my aspirations.

During college, I was diagnosed with aggressive onset Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hashimoto's disease. Seeking answers, I consulted numerous medical doctors and rheumatologists, seeking a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes of my debilitating conditions. Unfortunately, the responses I received were dishearteningly uniform: a focus on symptom management without a deeper exploration of the root causes that triggered my immune system's alteration. This oversight left me searching for more answers.

Through diligent research, I stumbled upon naturopathic medicine, which offered a fresh perspective on well-being. Under the guidance of a naturopathic doctor, I experienced true healing for the first time since my initial diagnosis. This transformative encounter inspired a profound shift within me. I realized that I had embarked on a journey with purpose, learning to regain control of my own health and subsequently empower others to embark on their own transformative paths.

My newfound belief in an integrative approach to medicine led me to naturopathic medical school in AZ. I attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, a four year accredited institution, and graduated with honors. Through rigorous study, I gained knowledge and expertise in a range of modalities including clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, environmental medicine and detoxification, homeopathy, constitutional hydrotherapy, IV and injection therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and detailed lab analysis. With this comprehensive education, I am equipped to provide holistic care to my patients in a truly integrative manner.

While I harbor immense respect for conventional medicine and the vital role pharmaceutical interventions play in saving lives and managing acute situations, I wholeheartedly believe that an integrative approach to health, encompassing both conventional and naturopathic modalities, often cultivates the optimal outcome for longevity and overall well-being.

As a doctor who specializes in naturopathic and functional medicine, my goal is to inspire and motivate individuals to reclaim and attain optimal health. I deeply value my role in educating and informing my patients, empowering them to make informed decisions about their well-being. I am driven to meet individuals at whatever stage they may be on their health journey and guide them towards a future plan that aligns with their goals. My ultimate endeavor is to help my patients achieve their health objectives and restore their optimal state of well-being.

My Approach - Individualized, functional, comprehensive.

I take a functional, holistic approach to patient care. Every treatment plan is individualized and I take time to truly understand every aspect of your health journey. Instead of merely focusing on symptoms, naturopathic medicine practitioners dive deep into a patient's medical history, lifestyle, and genetic makeup to identify the root causes of their health issues. By considering the interconnections between various systems in the body, such as the digestive, hormonal, and immune systems, functional medicine practitioners aim to restore balance and promote overall well-being. I use both basic and specialty lab testing to identify any underlying imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms. Treatment plans may incorporate a comprehensive range of interventions, including personalized nutrition, stress reduction techniques, targeted supplementation, and mind-body therapies. Through this integrative approach, functional medicine aims to empower patients to take an active role in their own health journey, leading to long-lasting healing and improved quality of life.

Begin your journey. Iā€™m ready to guide you.